1·More than half were at the same altitude and appeared to mark the boundaries of a massive ocean.
2·The up and down keys will move the camera along a flat plane so that it stays at the same altitude.
3·The F-8 drifted out of formation but returned to within 5ft of PR-32's port wing at the same altitude.
4·The same has happened to the "altitude tent", developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level.
5·At high altitude you have jet streams, and the wind velocity is not the same at all altitudes.
6·The bottom image shows the same echo returns with their altitude mapped according to a second image that displays the cloud-top heights.
7·Mr Buchanan, who on the same expedition also filmed tigers are living at a higher altitude than any others, has filmed wild cats worldwide for more than 10 years.
8·I have to monitor sink rate, altitude, airspeed, AOA, and my stick and my throttle all at the same time.
9·Objective: To study the clinical features of the nosebleed patients during the same periods in the differential altitude and provide references against nose bleed.
10·Look at rolling mountains, beaded style Pingba, deep gorges, high-altitude glaciers, each can be the same as to meet our travel life's imagination.